where: Produced by La Florida, a coop in the Chanchamayo Valley,
the major coffee growing region of Peru. Grown between 4000 and 5200
feet, this coffee is wet processed and fully sun dried before undergoing
the Royal Water decaffeinating process.
Unlike chemically processed decaf coffee, this coffee is
decaffeinated using a totally organic method of water, steam, and
extractors which removes 99.99% of caffeine.
Coffee from La Florida is produced by 1,200 local members of the Coop,
with plantations situated in the Chanchamayo Valleys of Yurinaki,
Ubiriki, Perene and in the central upper Peruvian jungle. This coop was established in
1965 by 100 impoverished coffee growers hoping to combine and market
their coffee at better price…and today is 1900
farmers strong.
Wet process, patio drying. Shade grown.